2011年7月24日 星期日

[ Android 3D Animation (3)] min3d立體方塊Box類別的程式解說

private Color4[] _cols; //儲存顏色
private float _width; //寬度
private float _height; //高度
private float _depth; //深度

public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth, Color4[] $sixColor4s, Boolean $useUvs, Boolean $useNormals, Boolean $useVertexColors)
public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth, Color4[] $sixColor4s)
public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth, Color4 color)
public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth)



package min3d.objectPrimitives;

import min3d.Utils;
import min3d.core.Object3dContainer;
import min3d.vos.Color4;

* Note how each 'face' (quad) of the box uses its own set of 4 vertices each,
* rather than sharing with adjacent faces. This allows for each face to be
* texture mapped, normal'ed, and colored independently of the others.
* Object origin is center of box.
public class Box extends Object3dContainer
private Color4[] _cols;
private float _width;
private float _height;
private float _depth;

public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth, Color4[] $sixColor4s, Boolean $useUvs, Boolean $useNormals, Boolean $useVertexColors)
super(4*6, 2*6, $useUvs,$useNormals,$useVertexColors);

_width = $width;
_height = $height;
_depth = $depth;

if ($sixColor4s != null)
_cols = $sixColor4s;
_cols = new Color4[6];
_cols[0] = new Color4(255,0,0,255);
_cols[1] = new Color4(0,255,0,255);
_cols[2] = new Color4(0,0,255,255);
_cols[3] = new Color4(255,255,0,255);
_cols[4] = new Color4(0,255,255,255);
_cols[5] = new Color4(255,0,255,255);


public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth, Color4[] $sixColor4s)
this($width,$height,$depth, $sixColor4s, true,true,true);

public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth, Color4 color)
this($width,$height,$depth, new Color4[] { color, color, color, color, color, color }, true,true,true);

public Box(float $width, float $height, float $depth)
this($width,$height,$depth, null, true,true,true);

private void make()
float w = _width / 2f;
float h = _height / 2f;
float d = _depth / 2f;

short ul, ur, lr, ll;

// front
ul = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,+h,+d, 0f,0f, 0,0,1, _cols[0].r,_cols[0].g,_cols[0].b,_cols[0].a);
ur = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,+h,+d, 1f,0f, 0,0,1, _cols[0].r,_cols[0].g,_cols[0].b,_cols[0].a);
lr = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,-h,+d, 1f,1f, 0,0,1, _cols[0].r,_cols[0].g,_cols[0].b,_cols[0].a);
ll = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,-h,+d, 0f,1f, 0,0,1, _cols[0].r,_cols[0].g,_cols[0].b,_cols[0].a);
Utils.addQuad(this, ul,ur,lr,ll);

// right
ul = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,+h,+d, 0f,0f, 1,0,0, _cols[1].r,_cols[1].g,_cols[1].b,_cols[1].a);
ur = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,+h,-d, 1f,0f, 1,0,0, _cols[1].r,_cols[1].g,_cols[1].b,_cols[1].a);
lr = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,-h,-d, 1f,1f, 1,0,0, _cols[1].r,_cols[1].g,_cols[1].b,_cols[1].a);
ll = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,-h,+d, 0f,1f, 1,0,0, _cols[1].r,_cols[1].g,_cols[1].b,_cols[1].a);
Utils.addQuad(this, ul,ur,lr,ll);

// back
ul = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,+h,-d, 0f,0f, 0,0,-1, _cols[2].r,_cols[2].g,_cols[2].b,_cols[2].a);
ur = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,+h,-d, 1f,0f, 0,0,-1, _cols[2].r,_cols[2].g,_cols[2].b,_cols[2].a);
lr = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,-h,-d, 1f,1f, 0,0,-1, _cols[2].r,_cols[2].g,_cols[2].b,_cols[2].a);
ll = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,-h,-d, 0f,1f, 0,0,-1, _cols[2].r,_cols[2].g,_cols[2].b,_cols[2].a);
Utils.addQuad(this, ul,ur,lr,ll);

// left
ul = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,+h,-d, 0f,0f, -1,0,0, _cols[3].r,_cols[3].g,_cols[3].b,_cols[3].a);
ur = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,+h,+d, 1f,0f, -1,0,0, _cols[3].r,_cols[3].g,_cols[3].b,_cols[3].a);
lr = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,-h,+d, 1f,1f, -1,0,0, _cols[3].r,_cols[3].g,_cols[3].b,_cols[3].a);
ll = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,-h,-d, 0f,1f, -1,0,0, _cols[3].r,_cols[3].g,_cols[3].b,_cols[3].a);
Utils.addQuad(this, ul,ur,lr,ll);

// top
ul = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,+h,-d, 0f,0f, 0,1,0, _cols[4].r,_cols[4].g,_cols[4].b,_cols[4].a);
ur = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,+h,-d, 1f,0f, 0,1,0, _cols[4].r,_cols[4].g,_cols[4].b,_cols[4].a);
lr = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,+h,+d, 1f,1f, 0,1,0, _cols[4].r,_cols[4].g,_cols[4].b,_cols[4].a);
ll = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,+h,+d, 0f,1f, 0,1,0, _cols[4].r,_cols[4].g,_cols[4].b,_cols[4].a);
Utils.addQuad(this, ul,ur,lr,ll);

// bottom
ul = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,-h,+d, 0f,0f, 0,-1,0, _cols[5].r,_cols[5].g,_cols[5].b,_cols[5].a);
ur = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,-h,+d, 1f,0f, 0,-1,0, _cols[5].r,_cols[5].g,_cols[5].b,_cols[5].a);
lr = this.vertices().addVertex(+w,-h,-d, 1f,1f, 0,-1,0, _cols[5].r,_cols[5].g,_cols[5].b,_cols[5].a);
ll = this.vertices().addVertex(-w,-h,-d, 0f,1f, 0,-1,0, _cols[5].r,_cols[5].g,_cols[5].b,_cols[5].a);
Utils.addQuad(this, ul,ur,lr,ll);

